12 weeks old female dark/white Siberian Husky is ready to be adopted. she has beautiful blue eyes. she is great with other dogs and kids. Don't know about cats or other small animals. she is house trained, crate trained, and walks well on leash (she still likes to take the lead though) Needs a fenced yard or someone that can walk him daily. she needs to burn off a lot of energy every day. I take her to the dog park as well as the city park and walks through the neighborhood. she has not had puppies and is altered. she loves to be hugged, petted, cuddled and given tummy rubs. she sleeps in bed with me, but is also comfortable in her crate or on a rug. she does not go onto furniture unless invited. she will sit on command, but still needs work with her basic commands. she gets so excited and her attention span is short unless you run her first. We do not give our dogs table scraps and only healthy "treats" when they have earned them. Being that she was a stray, we don't have her shot records, but she must have bee n UTD at the time of her spay operation. she will need to go in with you to your vet and be updated. There is an adoption fee for her. We love her and want to make sure she goes to a home where she will be loved and taken care of. Adopting isn't just a "thing to do" it's a life time commitment
Сибирский хаски – северная ездовая собака, среднего роста, со стоячими ушами, лисьим хвостом. Пропорции тела и внешний вид отражают основной баланс силы, скорости и выносливости. Эти собаки предназначены для перевозки легкого груза со средней скоростью на большие расстояния. У них часто встречаются глаза голубого цвета. Характерная особенность хаски – густая, шерсть, которая не имеет запаха. Хороший природный иммунитет защищает хаски от инфекционных заболеваний. Характер жизнерадостный, энергичный, уравновешенный.